While it might sound like I'm just being a jerk to you for no reason, I assure you, that's a legitimate suggestion I made for a reason.
Writing about sex isn't against Medium's Terms of Service.
But doxxing is, and it's one of the rules they take extremely seriously.
Doxxing is where you expose private information about a person that they do not want exposed, and it's considered a serious violation of internet ethics (as others may have already commented) but it's also considered abridging the safety of another individual (people could show up at this woman's house and harass her over the posts Jessica Wildfire makes on here). But don't take it from me, take it from Medium themselves:
We do not allow the following:
Posting images of, transcripts of, copies of, or links to private communications between private individuals without the explicit consent of all parties to the communication. Redacting names or other information does not supplant the need to secure permissions.
Doxing, which includes not only private or obscure personal information but also the aggregation of publicly available information to target, shame, blackmail, harass, intimidate, threaten, or endanger a person or group of people.
Posting intimate or explicit images taken or posted without the subject’s express consent.
Content that violates others’ privacy or personal safety, including sensitive or confidential information such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, non-public phone numbers, physical addresses, email addresses, or other similar information
Found here:
Lastly, I know for a fact it isn't her.
No harm, no foul?
Not exactly.
People get really worked up over the stuff they read online, and sometimes that spills over into real life.
Which is why we have anti-doxxing policies all over the web. It's the same on Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook, and other sites, almost all of them have an anti-doxxing policy, and they often ban accounts with an iron fist over stuff like this.
So you're basically risking getting banned by Medium for good ole fashion thinkin' aloud in a way that could be harmful to someone.
Personally, I wouldn't take that risk. But that's me and my humble $0.02.