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Health | Science
Does Porn Really Cause Erectile Dysfunction?
Exploring the research and busting myths about pornography

Chatter echoed through the one-bedroom apartment my friends, and I had packed into where our subdued party with a handful of people was supposed to go down. We broke out with the drinks, some people brought ecstasy, and others smoked weed.
It was your typical party for a late teenager to be at. The music fluctuated from hip-hop to dance as different people controlled the music. The Rave lighting you’d buy at Spencer’s Gifts was set up to add that cheesy “teenage party in 2003” feel.
With the lights low, we all talked and shared as various people ingested various substances with glee. At some point, my close friends Chris and Jessica started talking to one another in the corner privately. Eventually, they slipped into the open bedroom and shut the door.
The rest of us knew what that meant, and none of us cared much.
We were all having so much fun that nobody would be the one to ruin the party. After watching them slip away, I turned back to my remaining friends, and we got lost, prattling again. I made my way through the living room of this apartment and made my rounds, talking to everyone for a few minutes. Eventually…